Transplant Pharmacy Community of Practice (TxPharm COP)


2024-2025 Executive Committee

Chair: Mary Chandran (2025)
Co-Chair: Matt Harris (2025)
Past Chair: Barrett Crowther (2025)
Board Liaison: Josh Levitsky (2025)
Karen Khalil (2025)
Helen Sweiss (2025)
Jennifer Byrns (2025)
Ann Kataria (2026)
Alicia Lichvar (2026)
Idris Yakubu (2026)
Early Career: Hannah Roppo (2025)

Interim Staff Liaison: Olivia Snow (


Transplant Pharmacy Specialty Resources

2023-2024 Activities

  • Appoint a DEI Ambassador to focus on ongoing advocacy for DEI with all TxPharm activities.
  • Host Controversies Conference on Evaluation of Medication Adherence.
  • Create a Research & Innovation Workgroup.
  • Continue to develop educational offerings and resources for the field of transplant pharmacy. 
  • Develop interventions to improve adherence in transplant recipients and develop tools to detect non-adherence and risk for non-adherence.
  • Provide medication access resources and tools to facilitate patient care and clinical practice.
  • Update Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) with updated indications to obtain Medicare recognition for off-label transplant immunosuppressive agents.
  • Create opportunities to foster leadership development.
  • Highlight TxPharm COP members for their contributions through TxPharm specific awards and AST nominations.
  • Use social media and networking opportunities to educate, promote, and engage the Transplant Pharmacy work force.
  • Develop a TxPharm COP and VCA AC Joint “Vascular Composite Allograft Survey.”
  • Promote organ donation awareness and education.
  • Develop a Workforce Survey.