Thoracic and Critical Care Community (COP)

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2024-2025 Executive Committee

Chair:  Jignesh Patel (2026)
Co-Chair: Maryjane Farr (2026)
Past Chair: Deborah Levine (2026)
Board Liaison: Shelley Hall (2025)
Michael Duncan (2025)
Andriana Nikolova (2025)
Adrian Lawrence (2026)
Erin Lowery (2026)
Bhavadharini Ramu (2026)
Early Career Member-at-Large: Manu Varma (2025)

Staff Liaison: Olivia Snow (

2023-2024 Activities

  • Host Open COP meetings to encourage COP members to get involved and share ideas. 
  • Complete Controversies Conference deliverables on Lung Sizing Deliverables.
  • Host monthly online education meetings and education. 
  • Host ATC Submission “Office Hours”: Brainstorming and creation of TCC COP ATC submissions and symposia.
  • Reignite the Critical Care Workgroup. 
  • Convene the ACHD Working Group to bring together a diverse multidisciplinary group of experts with a focus on multi-organ transplantation in adults with congenital heart disease.
  • Engage in OPTN/UNOS Public Comment. 
  • Host Mentoring Reception at ATC 2024. 
  • Offer travel grants to trainees to attend ATC 2024.