
Timely Topics in Transplantation Webinar Series

March 19, 2014

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Free to AST members: $25 fee is waived upon logging in during the checkout process.

What you'll learn:

  1. Describe the common targets for direct acting antiviral therapy for HCV
  2. Understand current side effects and cure rates to therapy for HCV in liver transplant patients
  3. Discuss all oral DAA drug cocktails for HCV that can and will be used in the near future in transplant patients

What you'll learn:

  • Describe the common targets for direct acting antiviral therapy for HCV
  • Understand current side effects and cure rates to therapy for HCV in liver transplant patients
  • Discuss all oral DAA drug cocktails for HCV that can and will be used in the near future in transplant patients
April 19, 2016

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Speaker: Mark Aeder, MD • University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Moderator: Nicole Turgeon, MD •  Emory University

The Kidney Allocation System (KAS) was markedly revised on December 4, 2014, resulting in a major early alteration in national kidney distribution. Since a major objective was to provide equity in access to challenged candidates while not compromising vulnerable populations, and allowing for the bolus effects, this presentation will examine first year outcomes and assess the success in meeting the projected KAS goals.

After participating in this webinar, the learner will be able to:

  1. Identify the changes in kidney transplant distribution across recipient categories
  2. Distinguish the changes which will be maintained at a new level following the resolution of the initial bolus effect
  3. Begin to formulate potential modifications to KAS which would further achieve equity in allocation

Moderator: Nicole Turgeon, MD

February 19, 2014

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Free to AST members: $25 fee is waived upon logging in during the checkout process.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Describe OPTN living donor policy requirements for the medical and psychosocial evaluation
  2. Describe OPTN policy requirements on living donor care, including requirements for follow-up, reporting, and the role of the independent living donor advocate (ILDA)
  3. Describe strategies to assist programs in monitoring compliance with living donor care requirements
April 05, 2016

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Speaker: Richard Formica, MD • Yale University School of Medicine
Moderator: Anil Chandraker, MD, FRCP • Brigham & Women's Hospital

AST's Cutting Edge of Transplantation welcomed a record number of attendees to Phoenix February 25 - 27. During nearly 30 hours of sessions over three days, transplant professionals explored the history behind the organ shortage, what we are doing now to address the issues, and the direction we should take going forward. If you missed the meeting, this is your chance to understand the key highlights from CEOT. Dr. Formica will present the major takeaways, covering topics from allocation to organ utilization to policy to incentives/disincentives. This is a truly multidisciplinary webinar which will be useful to all transplant organ specialties. You may have missed CEOT but don't miss this highlights webinar.

AST's Cutting Edge of Transplantation welcomed a record number of attendees to Phoenix February 25 - 27. During nearly 30 hours of sessions over three days, transplant professionals explored the history behind the organ shortage, what we are doing now to address the issues, and the direction we should take going forward. If you missed the meeting, this is your chance to understand the key highlights from CEOT. Dr. Formica will present the major takeaways, covering topics from allocation to organ utilization to policy to incentives/disincentives. This is a truly multidisciplinary webinar which will be useful to all transplant organ specialties. You may have missed CEOT but don't miss this highlights webinar.

January 22, 2014

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Additional Q&A not covered during the webinar.

Free to AST members: $25 fee is waived upon logging in during the checkout process.

What You'll Learn:

  1. An update on the newly approved kidney allocation policy
  2. How to address implementation within your own transplant program
  3. What will this mean for patients currently on the list and those being currently evaluated

What You'll Learn:

  • An update on the newly approved kidney allocation policy
  • How to address implementation within your own transplant program
  • What will this mean for patients currently on the list and those being currently evaluated
February 16, 2016

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Speaker: Matt Cooper, MD • Medstar Georgetown Transplant Institute
Moderator: Harini Chakkera, MD • Mayo Clinic Hospital

After participating in this webinar, the learner will be able to:

  1. Define the components of a successful living donor kidney program to evaluate an efficient number of FTE’s and assistant personnel as well as developing and cultivating a culture within that personnel to best support living donors, their support staff, and their needs.
  2. Appraise the current resource allocation of their current living donor program and analyze where investments might be best undertaken to begin process improvements.
  3. Evaluate current living donor program metrics beyond number of potential donors and number of organs transplanted to work towards a more critical evaluation of measuring success in personnel activities as well as patient safety and program quality.


December 18, 2013

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Free to AST members: $25 fee is waived upon logging in during the checkout process.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Identify risk factors for non-adherence and tools to measure non-adherence
  2. Evaluate the traditional methods used to improve/monitor medication adherence
  3. Review today's mobile adherence technologies for improving/monitoring medication adherence
  4. Summarize tomorrow's technologies for improving/monitoring medication adherence

What You'll Learn:

  • Identify risk factors for non-adherence and tools to measure non-adherence
  • Evaluate the traditional methods used to improve/monitor medication adherence
  • Review today's mobile adherence technologies for improving/monitoring medication adherence
  • Summarize tomorrow's technologies for improving/monitoring medication adherence
May 20, 2015

Kimberly Brown, MD • Henry Ford Hospital
Tiffany Kaiser, PharmD • University of Cincinnati
Moderated by Josh Levitsky, MD • Northwestern Memorial Hospital

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Free to AST members: $25 fee is waived upon logging in during the checkout process.

This webinar is designed to focus on emerging therapies for HCV in transplant patients with specific attention to drug-drug interactions and limitations in patients with renal disease.

After participating in this webinar, the learner will be able to:

  1. Define current strategies for HCV treatment in the post transplant recipient
  2. Describe the limitations of current drug therapy in patients with renal disease
  3. Explain relevant drug-drug interactions of antiviral therapies with transplant medications

This webinar is designed to focus on emerging therapies for HCV in transplant patients with specific attention to drug-drug interactions and limitations in patients with renal disease.


  • Define current strategies for HCV treatment in the post transplant recipient
  • Describe the limitations of current drug therapy in patients with renal disease
  • Explain relevant drug-drug interactions of antiviral therapies with transplant medications
November 20, 2013

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Free to AST members: $25 fee is waived upon logging in during the checkout process.

Were you unable to attend the IPITA World Congress in September or need a review of talks you might have missed? If so, attend this webinar for a meeting review, and get caught up on all of the highlights you need to know!

Dr. Peter Stock, IPITA 2013 Congress Chair, will provide a meeting summary highlighting the marked improvements in rates of insulin independence following both pancreastic islet and whole organ pancreas transplants for diabetes mellitus, as well as novel strategies for increasing the source of beta cells (stem cells/xenotransplants) and blocking the immune response.

Were you unable to attend the IPITA World Congress in September or need a review of talks you might have missed? If so, attend this webinar for a meeting review, and get caught up on all of the highlights you need to know!

Dr. Peter Stock, IPITA 2013 Congress Chair, will provide a meeting summary highlighting the marked improvements in rates of insulin independence following both pancreastic islet and whole organ pancreas transplants for diabetes mellitus, as well as novel strategies for increasing the source of beta cells (stem cells/xenotransplants) and blocking the immune response.

January 26, 2016

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Speaker: Daniel Brennan, MD • Washington University School of Medicine
Moderator: Robert Brown, MD • Weill Cornell Medical College

Optimal immunosuppression in organ transplantation is a balance between under immunosuppression, which is associated with graft rejection, and over immunosuppression, which is associated with infection and malignancy. Initial immunosuppression is designed to strike this balance. But how should one adjust immunosuppression when this balance is perturbed and there is an acute infectious complication or malignancy?

After participating in this webinar, the learner will be able to:

  1. Identify risks for development of acute infectious complications and malignancy in renal transplant recipients.
  2. Design rational immunosuppression strategies to manage acute infectious complications in renal transplant recipients.
  3. Design rational immunosuppression strategies to manage malignancy in renal transplant recipients.
